animal totems

The Path Within 3-Day Tarot & Healing Course

For those of you who might find it difficult to travel to Williamstown for the night classes of The Path Within or can not commit to a 3 month course period, we have created The Path Within 3-Day Weekend Intensive to be held over the weekend of 14th-15th May and the following Saturday 21st May 2011. In these 3 days you will learn to read the ancient symbols of the Tarot as a healing tool for yourself and others, learn techniques to deepen your Intuition and communicate with the Higher Self and Reconnect to Nature.

The Path Within is a Healing Course, creating Sacred Harmony and Connection to Nature through the ancient symbols of the Tarot. I am most passionate about teaching others to 'be your own healer' and by imparting the Tarot Mysteries I hope that you discover the 'Oracle Within' yourself.  As a pathworker, I merely stand at the doorway to the Temple of Yourself - the magical world of Tarot embraces symbology, mythology, astrology, numerology and beauty in all it's guises. 

This course is perfect for absolute beginners to Tarot and is also open to anyone who would like to build on their current Tarot skills in a warm and creative group. It is important to note that this course will not be used in replacement of professional counselling or therapy where needed. When we take The Path Within we are embracing responsibility for the creation of manifesting the lives we truly desire in a warm and well-grounded environment of like-minded souls. 

Book Now.

Returning Home...

Hello Everyone,

this year I am over the moon to be holding a magical forest retreat for women in the sacred country of Hanging Rock. Our beautiful retreat house is nestled in 150 acres of tree-filled wonderland abundant with animals and we have our own personal chef cooking us yummy gourmet vegetarian meals. On this retreat we will focus on connection to the Divine Feminine and our Inner Knowing through meditation, sacred ceremony & the intuitive arts in the warm embrace of Nature and her plant & animal guardians. We are all so naturally gifted & wise but often have a hard time accessing deep peace due to our hectic lives. When we are in Retreat, we can hear the still quiet voice within and learn to trust and develop new pathways to our dreams. If you feel called to return to Nature and your True Self, it may be time to share this Returning Home with us. 

Starts: 11am Friday 8th April
Finishes: 4pm Sunday 10th April

The retreat is set in a luxurious property crafted by hand - enjoy warm fires, spa, gourmet meals
Communal room (6 beds in shared room): $620 ($570 early bird price if paid by 28th Feb)
Your own room: (7 available): $680 ($630 early bird price to be paid by 28th Feb)

Places are strictly limited to 13 people only so that we can work deeply. To reserve your place, please contact me as soon as you can,

Warm Wishes,
