spirit doll

Sun Flowers and King Parrots

Sun Flowers King Parrot Medicine Doll for Roee's Mother

This heatwave is really taking it's toll in the forest and we've been placing lots of bowls of water out for the animals. On the weekend I burrowed in and fell into the no-thinking space of dollmaking - perfect for forgetting the heat. This is a doll  who called herself Sun Flowers. She was birthed on Saturday for a man who requested a doll for his mother in Israel. When I felt her spirit, I kept seeing a garden of bright flowers and there are many different types of flowers and plant medicine inside her tummy. I gave her Wattle antlers and King Parrot feathers and when I took her photo outside caught 2 sweet King Parrots having have a smooch behind her.

Moon Horse Spirit Doll Winner!

And the winner of the Moon Horse Spirit Doll is Emma Rochester! Thank you to everyone who entered and booked a Tarot reading last month. It was an exciting step over the threshold with you all. I loved discovering your gifts and teachings of last year and hearing all about your new dreams for 2014 - I hope we created pathways to help to make them REAL for you this year. Keep riding into the Sun dear Dreamers.

Emma Rochester is an amazing textile artistan and in her reading she shared with me that she had just completed a book that was 10 years in the making. So deserved! Moon Horse will be galloping to you this week Emma x

New Moon feathers of Rosella wings around her heart and Kookaburra (tigresse) smudging feather

the spring, the doll and the gang gang cockatoo

Every 3 weeks we travel to the purest spring we have ever known, the well spring at the top of Mount Donna Buang in Warburton, Vic.  We went yesterday to draw water for our ceremony on Friday night and for new essence creation. Often when I visit I will leave a spirit doll to thank the spring but to also thank the other visitors to this sacred place - the water freaks/ enthusiasts! Every time we visit we meet another water lover and this time it was a man in his 60s who was riding a motorbike across Australia. As soon as he tasted the spring he began to fill every container he had with him for his travels. He told me he'd never tasted anything as good.

The doll I gave to the Spring and her friends was Healing Spirit, a medicine doll that I'd finished on the weekend after attending the Wurundjeri Welcome to Country ceremony. The doll was with me as I'd passed through the welcome smoke and I was fascinated to hear in the ceremony that along with the gift of Fire to welcome visitors to their lands, the Wurundjeri also gave visitors water. I have no doubt this spring has been known and held sacred to the Wurundjeri for a long long time. 

I placed the doll under a small fern just behind the spring and prepared to leave when a family of Gang Gang Cockatoos began to call and one ancient grandfather landed and sat in the small fern above the spirit doll. I had never seen this type of Cockatoo at the spring before and he sang and spoke to us before flying down to the spring itself and drinking from it.  When I gift dolls at the spring I leave a little note to let people know that this doll is a gift for visiting this sacred place. And here is the beautiful family that found her! The family of local artist Lucy Pierce and her babies. I was thrilled. Lucy is a dear sister and her sculpture was a beautiful element of our ceremony held last year for the women and babies of the Magdalene Laundries at Abbotsford Convent. It felt very right that this doll would come to live with Lucy and her family.  

In these changing times there is so much being released but there are so many gifts to be received. I think we are all finally learning to appreciate simplicity again and receiving pleasure from small treasures made with care. And we can all play a magical part in this weaving with the universe. What small treasure can you gift to someone this week? I love to hear these stories of how a mysterious gift can be just what is needed to really lift someone's  spirit.  The morning after finding the doll, Lucy contacted me - there were Gang Gangs singing in her backyard.

Oceans of love to you all for your New Moon blessings. If you are joining us on Friday night please bring along a special cup or glass to share in the watery goodness of this ancient spring - water is life! 

Let it Go, Let it Flow - journey and meditation circle to farewell the year of the Water Snake.  

Gang Gang Grandfather blessing Healing Spirit with his song
Lucy and her family after finding the doll by the spring

Horse Moon Spirit Doll Giveaway

Horse Moon

And here she is, Horse Moon, still becoming... I began her last night in the Full Moon and I will continue to weave her up until the New Moon birth of the Year of the Horse on 30th January. If you book for a Threshold Karmic Tarot reading in January you will go into the draw to win her and I hope she brings you much abundance and creativity in 2014. Inside her tummy are many herbs and flowers but her main medicines are Bee Pollen to pollinate your Golden Dreams and Arnica Flowers - known to witches as Wolf Flower to keep your wild Wolf Heart. Good luck seekers of the Wild love to you for your Full Moon Dreaming x

Threshold Karmic Tarot Reading bookings. 

Doll Lineages and the Wild Bee

Flower Faerie custom plant medicine doll for Asha's Grandmother
'you are never too old for a doll, you are never too old to play'
I am always thrilled to make a new doll. It's something that I just never tire of because the doll is, right until the end, a mystery to me. Sometimes I am shown colour to begin and other times I am shown a tiny part of a design. When I was asked to create a doll lineage on the weekend I was very touched. I have now created dolls for the daughter, mother and grandmother. The doll you see above is for Grandmother. She was meant to start her birth on Sunday but she was so excited that she came through on Friday night. All I knew when beginning was that she has a 'dress of flowers'. I had expected to make a serious 'Elder' doll but instead this delightful Flower Faerie came to be Spirit Sister to the Matriarch of the family. She told me that everyone has an inner child that loves to play, it doesn't matter how old you are.  
The doll below was another custom order from a man for his mother in Israel. I love to see these wee wise women travel far and wide across the Earth. They are living in many countries that I am yet to visit myself! My friend Gwen suggested that we could have a page of photographs of the Spirit Sisters in their new lands - that would be fun. 
I am now about to start creating a doll for Ruby a four year old girl about to turn five who has told me very clearly that she'd like her doll to hold 'cat energy and a crystal' !! Can't tell you how much I'm already looking forward to meeting this wise being.
I am taking a new round of orders for the next tribe of custom-made Spirit Sisters, order information can be found here.

I was also gifted organic Bee Pollen for the dolls this weekend and it seems to me that the Bees are bringing a new radiance. The dolls seem to glow. It is so important that we create gardens that are safe havens and invitations to the Wild Bees. 
Custom medicine doll for Mother in Israel
her name is 'Bee Light' and she assists with indecision

the beauty of Marigold plant medicine

Over the last 3 nights I have been working with the beautiful solar radiance of Marigold (Calendula) plant medicine. These particular Marigolds were grown in Egypt and the dolls that birthed to carry this plant wisdom were both so full of love and came with a similar message - to walk beside you as a light in the dark night. As it is believed that the magical Marigold brings prophetic dreams, I made these two dolls particularly to be placed beside your pillow or on your bedside table at night. 

Marigold - Latin Name: Calendula officinalis, Catha officinalis
Also known as: Holigold, Mary Bud, Solis Sponsa, Occulus Christi

Calendulae means 'throughout the months' but the old Saxon name 'ymbglidegold' means 'it turns with the sun'. There is also a long association with the Virgin Mary.

Healing Qualities: reducing inflammation, wound healing, improves blood flow, calming affect on ulcers and cramps, eases menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. 

Magical Qualities: prophesy, prophetic dreams, psychic energy, seeing magical beings, love, clairvoyance, legal affairs and renewing personal energy. 

'Golde is bitter in savour
Fayr and yelow is his flouwr
The golde flour is good to sene
It makyth the syth (sight) brythe and clene
Wyscely to lokyn on his flowris
Drawyth out the heed wikked hirores (humors).'
From Macer's Herbal (trans. John Lelamoure, 1373)

Crow Shaman medicine doll

Marigold Flowers and Crow Feathers
Night Prophecy for the Children of the Sun
Dreaming and Vision Receiving Doll

Rosella Faerie medicine doll
Marigold and Hawthorn Flowers
Rosella Feathers & Star worn over her Heart
This doll was made on the Dark Moon and her medicine is simply:
'I will take care of you'
Healing the Heart with Light and Colour

The Gingko Witch has found her Sister

The winner of the Gingko Witch medicine doll is Sarah of Embodiments Dance! Congratulations Sarah - I think She is very happy to be coming to live with a dancing Medicine WOman. Thank you for everyone who took part and all of the new subscribers.  How did you go with your Threshold Tarot readings? I hope you received lots of clarity and assistance for the new Dream.

A Spirit Sister for Summer Solstice

Custom Spirit Dolls for Summer Solstice - I am taking the last orders now for dolls to be made handcrafted for you or a loved one in time for solstice or christmas. These dolls are made with your intentions, animal totems and plant medicine - they come with a reading from your Spirit Sister. 

$100 including postage - send me a message to place your order. 

She is walking out of the fires...Mishele's Swan Story

Photo: She is walking out of the fires.  Her staff which connects her to the land below her and the skies above, reminds her of her Medicine. She wears a conch shell to remind her she is Woman. She carries her basket to collect medicine wherever she goes. She is Medicine Woman. She looks out at the world through the quartz crystal heart she swallowed... Seeing all with Love and Clarity. She holds the ancient sacred herb Desert Sage in her belly, connecting her to All that Was, All that Is and All that Will Be.  She is taking Me out of hiding my Medicine. She is whispering into my heart, singing to my feet, calling my memories to awaken. Giving me strength to remember She is I and I am She. We walk into the world sharing our Medicine again. We walk into the world sharing our Medicine again. <3    Dear Julia,  After spending the weekend with you and all the sisters in the circle, I feel I Am AWAKE!  How can one merely say Thank You for the gift you have given! For the Swan Blessing, the unbinding of Vows that have held me back in this life, introducing me to the Daughters Of The Well. The words Thank You cannot display the deep gratitude I feel, for Teaching me the Medicine of making my own Medicine Doll. For holding the space with so much Love, Compassion, Joy, Wisdom, and your Beautiful Voice to guide us to where we needed to go. For gathering together a circle of Medicine Women, making connections, sharing stories, releasing past life pain, and bringing us back to the present with our Medicine that we may have been hiding due to ancient fears. Julia, my way to honour You and all that you have awakened in me, is to Walk, Dance, Love, Forgive, Laugh, Be the Medicine Woman I Am and Walk that path in Truth and Beauty, sharing with All, as you have shared with All <3   Beautiful Sister, Thank You xxx xxxx
She is walking out of the fires. Her staff which connects her to the land below her and the skies above, reminds her of her Medicine. She wears a conch shell to remind her she is Woman. She carries her basket to collect medicine wherever she goes. She is Medicine Woman. She looks out at the world through the quartz crystal heart she swallowed... Seeing all with Love and Clarity. She holds the ancient sacred herb Desert Sage in her belly, connecting her to All that Was, All that Is and All that Will Be. She is taking Me out of hiding my Medicine. She is whispering into my heart, singing to my feet, calling my memories to awaken. Giving me strength to remember She is I and I am She. We walk into the world sharing our Medicine again. We walk into the world sharing our Medicine again. Dear Julia, After spending the weekend with you and all the sisters in the circle, I feel I Am AWAKE! How can one merely say Thank You for the gift you have given! For the Swan Blessing, the unbinding of Vows that have held me back in this life, introducing me to the Daughters Of The Well. The words Thank You cannot display the deep gratitude I feel, for Teaching me the Medicine of making my own Medicine Doll. For holding the space with so much Love, Compassion, Joy, Wisdom, and your Beautiful Voice to guide us to where we needed to go. For gathering together a circle of Medicine Women, making connections, sharing stories, releasing past life pain, and bringing us back to the present with our Medicine that we may have been hiding due to ancient fears. Julia, my way to honour You and all that you have awakened in me, is to Walk, Dance, Love, Forgive, Laugh, Be the Medicine Woman I Am and Walk that path in Truth and Beauty, sharing with All, as you have shared with All 

What an amazing weekend I had! On the misty Mt Tambourine a circle of women gathered together, and under the gentle Guidance of Julia from Sacred Familiar we journeyed deep into ourselves and our past. Through her Swan Blessings, we released and healed Vows and Bindings we made in a past life, that was stopping us from our full potential in this life. We released our Grandmothers, Mothers, Daughters. We reunited with each other again. We shared our stories in the safe circle that Julia created in a magic place called Grail Haven, sharing in the Blessed Water from the sacred well. I encourage you to look into Grail Haven, it truly is a healing experience. Julia taught us the lost art of making Spirit/Medicine Dolls! Wow!! Having already been gifted one, I knew the power of their medicine, and to make my own was and is a life changing experience! I have learnt so much of myself during this process, and will continue to do so with all the others I will create! Yes! I am addicted! I met Such beautiful women, making connections that are ancient and now present ♥ We drummed and sang (thank you Vicki for teaching us the songs, I sang all the way home on the train) We had fun at the markets, meeting the friendly locals and spreading joy with our open hearts and Dolly's (who came with us sharing their magic to the young and the old, men and women) So many magical experiences, I think I could write a whole book about this one weekend ;-) Oh and I was taken back to when I was a child born from a Gypsy mother and towns man father. I ended up living on my own, in the forest, rejected for who I was, yet still consulted by the villagers for medicine and healing (in secret of course) I bring back with me my essence of the Wild Gypsy Woman, this time, I walk proudly into the world, with my Medicine, I will speak the truth and beauty to all ~ For All ♥ Thank You so much dear Julia and to all the women in the circle Bless You ♥

Mishele, Femmina Unbound on Mt Tamborine, 2013