Meditation Class Melbo...

New Meditation & Intuition Development Circle Opening on Brighid's Day in May

Hello Everyone,

on Thursday 19th May we celebrate the festival of the Goddess Brighid, 'Exalted One' and celebrate this Fire Goddess of Healing, Poetry & Smithcraft by opening up a new Meditation and Intuition Development Circle. With the aid of Brighid's fire we will step into Winter, a season when we find ourselves naturally craving more time for reflection and quiet in the dark of the year to help us to shed the old and to listen to messages from our Higher Self about the Path ahead. 

I love these circles, not only do we get to relax deeply but we also discover ways to communicate with our personal guides and spirit helpers. Each week we learn new skills to deepen our intuition as well as practicing healing techniques. Through guided meditation we take sacred journeys, path-working with Goddesses and Gods, Animal Totems, Family Ancestors & Ascended Masters. In each class Tony & I will give personal readings to every member of the group to assist them on their journey. 

If you feel called to learn new techniques to create more peace and balance in your life in a warm and relaxed group, please get in touch with me to book your place in this circle.

Brighid by Jonathan Barr