Isabelle Bryer

The Dreamer Loves Isabelle Bryer

I have been an admirer of the beautiful dream worlds painted by French artist Isabelle Bryer for many years now and she is an artist that I return to at poignant moments in my life...strange moments that sometimes catch me by surprise. I have only recently realised that I can see and feel the essence of the Dreamer in her paintings. The otherworld self, the holder of our mythic story. This dreaming and magical self often carries with it, the heart and wishes of our inner child. I love how her heroines are always so watched over and supported by both nature and totem animal spirits. I once sent Isabelle the video for Sarah Blasko's 'All I Want' as I thought it seemed to remind me somehow of how I felt when I looked at her art and Isabelle noticed that Sarah was wearing one of her art motifs, a rose-red heart embroidered on her jacket - I love these little and real signs of connection.

Isabelle has graciously allowed me to share her artwork Divine Intervention to represent the Dreamer in our Winter Solstice Swan Blessing - Enchanting the Dreamer. My Dreamer is definitely enchanted by Isabelle's magical creations and you can see more of them at her website - a wonderful place to learn more about what inspires the artist and also to glimpse a little of the mysterious process of making art. And you can purchase prints here at her Etsy store. Thank you Isabelle for your generosity and endless enchantment.

Snow Angel by Isabelle Bryer
Mystical Cat

Born Free - Release the Ties That Bind

'Born Free': Saoirse Ronan by Rankin 2013

A past life vow that often comes up to be cleared is the Vow of Marriage. Some of us carry vows that still connect us to other souls from lifetimes past and this can be an unsettling feeling when we encounter these souls again playing different roles in our current life. Even when relationships in our present lifetimes break down and marriages end in divorce, the vows that we made in those ceremonies may still be holding firm even though you may not be physically living together.

When we marry we make Sacred Vows, these words we speak are spell-binding - is the Vow you are speaking dedicated to creating fearless love or are you binding yourself with words that are more about tradition than your current, real values? The Vow of Obedience is still made in some marriage ceremonies to this day. It is different for everyone, trust your knowing and feel into your heart. Is it open or does it feel bound?

Without binding we can love fully, with great honesty and respect for ourselves and our beloved. Take back your wild heart, it was born free.