Art of Enchantment wor...

Imbolc - Season of Enchantment

Today we celebrate the ancient Celtic Festival of Imbolc - a time of new beginnings and the awakening of the world below the Earth before Spring. This is also the feast day of the Goddess Brigid and I love to think of Michael Hiep's Awakening of Spring as a young Brigid waking up deep within the earth. At this time of the year we may not see much change above the earth but we sense the heartbeat of the Earth growing stronger, animals awakening from hibernation, new animals being born, plants recharged and sending new green tendrils up through the soil. Imbolc is a beautiful time to begin gently moving towards the dreams you wish to see bear fruit in the Spring and Summer months ahead.  A perfect day for planting the seeds of your new life.

I am so excited to be celebrating this festival of dreaming and planting seeds at Desire Books in Sydney this evening. I can't wait to see how the Dreamer reveals herself as the spirit dolls birth in our circle: The Art of Enchantment. Perhaps we will catch a glimpse of the sacred face of Brigid or see the spirit of spring as doll? How are you enchanting your spirit today?